Monday, August 23, 2010

Sun in Virgo, Full Moon in Pisces

It's a rich time in the heavens as the sun transitions from regal Leo to methodical Virgo. Tuesday's moon in Pisces will have just swung by the Neptune/Chiron conjunction in late Aquarius before it is full. Mercury went retrograde two and a half days ago.

What does it all mean?

Let's start with the Sun in Virgo. There is a lovely refinement to Virgo - a tempering of the generosity that Leo comes out of the gate with. Virgo is focused, and specifics are important with the sun in this sign.

Yet, not more than a degree into Virgo and the moon sweeps by Neptune, the planet of dissolving form and Chiron, a centaur that represents deep empathy while on its way to oppose the sun in Neptune's sign, Pisces. I've heard that the flow of Pisces, the simple intuitive knowing, is difficult for process-driven Virgo. I think this full moon, representing a harvest from the last new moon on Aug 10th, is about the faith in your own process. It brings to mind the part of ourselves that pay the bills, make the lunches and get the chores done.

At the same time, we're two and a half days into a Mercury Retrograde cycle. Mercury is in Virgo, reversing it's course until September 12th and leaving it's shadow on the 27th of September. Details that we were tracking before the retrograde started may be difficult to pin down. It's fruitful to research, but not necessarily to sign contracts, buy tech equipment, houses, etc. As we find our flow during this time of unexpected delays, quick changes and stalls, events may have a frustrating quality. When that happens, I suggest you hold on to your own center and wait for clarity to emerge.

Friday, August 6, 2010 monthly forecast, with Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer

Each month, Jeff Jawer & Rick Levine tape their monthly overview at SoulFood Cafe in Redmond, Washington. Given the amount of tumult in recent transits, I'm aiming to give a greater diversity of voices room to speak on this blog. Here is their monthly forecast:

August 4, 2010, SoulFood Cafe & Books in Redmond, Washington
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Philip Sedgwick ~ Astrologer, Writer, Muse & Comic

Philip wrote a terrific post about recent transits. Really enjoy his practical, grounded view of recent chaotic dynamics.

Read for yourself

Visit his site: look for Galatic Times in the left nav

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cardinal T-Square

There may be a feeling of panic while events speed up with the Cardinal Cross in effect. Uranus turns back to Pisces, while in retrograde, until the electricity returns in March 2011. Still, Pluto in Capricorn squares Jupiter in Aries on one end, Mars on the other (closely followed by Saturn and now Venus). This energy is all about initiating. Starting to pull out of the oppositions, the polar struggles that shaped the last 10 months. You may be looking for help and that's not a bad instinct.

While the energies sort themselves out, we face another of the three annual Mercury in retrograde periods. These cycles ebb and flow, and are generally thought of as bad times to sign contracts, start partnerships, have critical discussions.

My idea is that we customarily talk to each other - a balance between listening and responding, along with our own need to speak. During a Mercury retrograde, we turn inward. More so than usual, we are talking to ourselves. We are talking behind closed doors. Therefore, straightforward processes - like signing contracts, like starting businesses, don't have all of the information needed. After Mercury turns direct, and about a week later, the shoes fall and you find out what details we missed, what conversations were had.

It may feel a bit like crossing a stream in a crowd.

After Mercury returns to direct motion, in mid-September, the path will be open to act on new projects - to resume a more synchronized means of achieving your goals. Through the next month and then some of speedy chaos, keep your mind focused on the second half of September.

Photo Credits:
SOS by Mary Anne Clark
SOS by AtomicCafe

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Uranus Retrograde (July 5), Solar Eclipse (July 11)

We are currently in between eclipses. The first, a lunar eclipse, occurred just a week and a half ago. The next, a solar eclipse, will occur in a little less than five days. Eclipses can be disruptive in general and will signify real change for folks who have a birthday on the 26th of June or 11th of July.

In terms of the general effect and how they add to the ongoing push-me-pull-you of the next and final Uranus/Saturn Opposition on the 26th of July - here are a few ideas:

  • The New Moon Solar eclipse is another reminder to touch into our family. Over the last few months, I've been picking up a lot of language focused on lineage. Are you in touch with your lineage? Are there themes that have been recurring in the last few months? Think back to your parents, grand parents, great-grand parents. Is there a thread that connects you that springs to mind?

  • The upcoming opposition between Uranus and Saturn asks us to be sure that the path we are treading is true for us. Are you feeling a change of heart/mind/soul calling? Are there wild hairs that are calling you to action? Are there changes you can make to address emerging thoughts?

  • Uranus' retrograde path suggests that it's a time to embrace the strange. It can be as gentle as watching a parrot slide down a pipe, or as personal as allowing yourself your true heart's desire, even if other's don't approve or get it. Now is the time to allow yourself some flexibility. See if you can explore oddness without judgement.

    Keep your eyes open, odd things are afoot. And relax. If you feel a fear change - make sure the change you embrace is in your own best interest.

    Photo credit:
    Parrot Wild Ride by IngridTaylar
    Camel in Amsterdam by
  • Friday, June 25, 2010

    Full Moon Eclipse 6/26/2010

    The eclipse at the Full Moon is 15 hours from the time this was posted.

    By now, the Sun in Cancer is directly opposed Pluto in Capricorn. The Sun in Cancer is Trined by Neptune. While there is a great deal of tension in the air, there is also opportunity for inspiration and connection. With the Sun in Cancer, it's a good time to nourish yourself. Focus on those things that help you feel as though you have enough resources to weather any difficulty. Look for ways to ease tension.

    In my previous post, I mentioned emptying yourself, to allow for the new energies coming in. There is another way to put that. Listen. Quiet the buzzing energies and listen for the incoming information that is unique for you.

    This is one of weeks and weeks of interesting, challenging transits. While it's true that there may be events that touch us personally, it's also possible that we will witness events or hear about them, instead of personally experience them. This weekend, we may feel as if we are personally effected, no matter what.

    Touch in to the gentlest part of yourself. Be kind to yourself.


    Photo credit:
    hipster graffiti by striatic

    Monday, June 21, 2010

    Lunar Eclipse 6/26/2010

    The activity in the skies points to a tremendous amount of potential for chaos to erupt in our lives. As I have been diligently trying to uncover each unique detail of the various aspects, the feedback I've received is "what am I supposed to do, while all of this is going on". Here are some ideas.

    I think chaos is pretty distracting. My hat is off to those of you who have begun to clean out your homes, pare back the amount of paper you are trailing and to folks who have dug themselves out of the stuff that we accumulate without intending to.

    For those of us caught up in the distractions, I offer a recommendation that you retain the joy that is your birth right, that you dance in the face of the wildness around us, that you embrace a deep love for yourself as you whirl through this time.

    Overall, now is time to empty ourselves of attachment. It may be useful to imagine ourselves as a clown car, chock full of circus clowns. Imagine those clowns (think of gymnasts if clowns creep you out) rolling and flipping out of the car until the very last one has left the car. Let the spaciousness of an empty clown car exist for a moment.

    We are adverse to emptiness in this society. We are accustomed to crowded thoughts, crowded belongings. It's not an easy task to let emptiness sit.

    There is so much new energy in the environment. The opportunity to embrace it comes in many forms. It's a great idea to clear away the old, to make space (and feel it) before the new arrives.

    It's up to you to embrace this time for your own best interest. If these suggestions don't resonate with you, no problem. I encourage you to follow your own internal guidance.

    Note: Apologies for originally posting the incorrect date for this event!

    Photo Credit:
    Free Child Walking by Pink Sherbet Photography

    Thursday, June 17, 2010

    Summer Solstice

    via Flickr - from Vintagedept

    Coming soon - the beginning of summer - Jun 21 2010 4:28 AM PT

    Four days from now, the Sun moves into Cancer. This signifies the official beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The Solstice marks the moment when the Sun reaches the northern most point in the sky, apparently pausing before reversing its direction. It's heralded with bonfires and other celebrations around the world.

    On the way, the Sun will form tense angles with Saturn and Uranus, increasing the tension in opposition between those two planets. In a week and a few days, the Sun will oppose Pluto, creating the Grand Cross that is the signature aspect of this summer.

    There is a possibility that folks will feel inclined to personalize the tension that's in the air. We'll feel that issues in the world reflect something about us. We may discover our passions, opinions about events in the world.

    There's also a Trine from the Sun in Cancer to the Moon in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces at about the same time. This water Grand Trine personalizes the instability even further, suggesting increased attachment to those habits that make us feel secure.

    On the 26th of June, the Moon will join Pluto in Capricorn during a lunar eclipse. The energy of eclipses is disruptive. The Lunar eclipse in June is followed by a Solar eclipse on July 11. The time between the two is a glimpse at events that may transpire six months from now. It's useful to find a way to relax during that time. The tendency is to feel anxious and that increases the tendency to react.

    Tuesday, June 8, 2010

    Jupiter conjunct Uranus

    Uranus and Jupiter are joined together in 0 degrees Aries. Together, these planets represent liberation and expansion. They share the first degree of the zodiac, suggesting something completely new emerging. It's a good time to embrace the weird, accept a certain degree of awkward, to feel the buoyancy available to all of us.

    Along with this transit, Saturn is continuing through the last degrees of Virgo, making it's way to one last opposition with Uranus and Jupiter. Saturn represents structure and law. With enough structure, we can manifest - creating a container for reality like a house creates a container for a home. Without Saturn, we can be absolutely free and experience many things - but we cannot build, cannot leverage strength, can't sustain or make our dreams real.

    The transits now are in conflict - it's not a slam dunk that we can use the energies presented to us. The habits and structures we rely upon may be shifting, may be crumbling. It's uncomfortable to let go. Even if we desire and embrace change, the loss of stability may cause erratic behavior that is just an escape from discomfort - escape that distracts us and doesn't lead to freedom.

    This is a time to live and, to a certain extent, to accept the confusion that comes with change. A teacher once shared the idea that we rush through our confusion to our detriment. She said that if we sit with our questions, we allow ourselves time to sort through details on an unconscious level, which brings us to deeper conclusions. I believe that. Give yourself enough time to center and attune to your own inner wisdom.

    Sunday, June 6, 2010

    Pluto trine Mars, Jupiter inconjunct Mars, among others

    There are so many aspects in play this summer - the planets are interacting with each other in ways that suggest massive change. Some aspects have not occurred for decades, some for centuries and although none are new, they describe a tumult that will touch each of us.

    13 hours ago, Jupiter joined Uranus in Aries and the Moon sidled by them both. The Moon in Aries brought a personal touch to the inspiration and energy that Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus suggests. Even so, I've heard folks describe a feeling of lacking energy and will keep an eye out for this flux. Will we feel energized or just overloaded? There is a possibility of either - one approach in a time like this is to observe whether the energy you are attuned to is nourishing you or burning you out. If the latter, take a walk, recenter.

    There is another aspect, Neptune opposed Mars, that is acting as a drain on energy, resulting in a dreaminess vs. a motivated and focused energy. An approach to this effect is to dream big, to write or somehow capture the incoming information for review later, when you can do something about it.

    My focus is on the trine to Mars from Pluto, with Jupiter is inconjunct the fiery planet. There could be eruptions of old or unresolved issues, sort of elaborate reminders of situations we thought we put behind us. These circumstances/energies/feelings could be potentially unpleasant, generally heavy, and could surface dramatically to remind us why we submerged them in the first place.

    A trine is generally considered a good aspect - meaning it works, that it combines the energy of the planets easily. Pluto represents energy of transformation, sacrifice even. An easy combination of this energy with Mars, the planet representing vitality, potentially aggression - well, it could be a bit heavy. This combination could bring up issues that you'd rather not take a look at - this aspect would have a personal resonance if you have planets in late Leo/Aquarius or early Capricorn/Cancer.

    An inconjunct is an aspect of lack of balance. There is a general sense of discomfort with the planets in relation - in this case Jupiter and Mars. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, of "plenty" for good or for ill. When that energy, generosity, say - isn't comfortable with the energy of Mars, it could result in giving too much or giving in a way that puts people off. Combined with the trine from Pluto to Mars, this could demonstrate a pattern - we can take a look at how we give and whether there's a relationship with that generosity and how we respond to our difficulties.

    Sun, 6 Jun 2010 20:13:43 UTC

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    Uranus in Aries

    The effect of Uranus moving into the 1st degree of the zodiac felt like an electric jolt. The effect will differ for each of us, though the basic concept is one of lightning fast change. When Jupiter joins Uranus in Aries in a few days, we may see more surprising events, feel more of a sense of restlessness in the general environment.

    Additionally, Neptune has begun it's apparent backwards motion in Aquarius. Chiron will join Neptune later this week. The impact is a slight turning in - for each of us, depending on the location of Neptune and Aquarius in our charts. The opportunity is for us to allow our dreams to surface and to look for the spiritual meaning in the events surrounding us.

    Full Moon in Sagittarius and Uranus goes into Aries

    Full, luscious, dreamy, over the rainbow moon tonight. And Uranus, bringer of strange gifts, opener of doors, entered Aries just a few hours ago.

    It's an amazing time to embrace liminal dreams. A time to touch in to our liveliest selves.

    In a few days, Saturn will return to apparent forward motion. This can suggest a firmer footing for our actions toward our goals. It will shift from the last degrees of Virgo, making its way toward the final opposition with Uranus when Saturn returns to Libra in July.

    More soon - I'm heading to the Northwest Astrological Conference tomorrow and I'll make time to post more on the transits in play.

    Sun in Gemini

    Happy Birthday Gemini! The Sun moved into Gemini 12 hours ago, shifting the energy to a more flexible and curious mode.

    A few referrals for more information on the current transits:

    Ray Merriman's Market Week

    ElsaElsa has more on the Grand Cross

    I'll be out for a few days and back with more on next week's Uranus ingress into Aries (think new, innovative, potentially shocking).

    Monday, May 17, 2010

    Notes on Venus Transits

    Venus, the planet symbolizing desire, represents those things that we want in life - and will get - whether in a healthy or unhealthy way. Venus moved into a square with expansive Jupiter this morning (3:56 AM PT), bringing a little more desire than common sense into the environment for all of us.

    A few days from now, Venus squares Saturn. This is a very different influence, requiring a firm handling of boundaries for each of us. Those with Pisces and Cancer influences, and to some extent Gemini, will observe the most impact - along with folks who are influenced by Virgo, Capricorn and Sagittarius. In addition, Saturn and Jupiter are opposing each other - which is sort of like driving with the gas and brake pedals engaged at the same time.

    Over the next week, Venus will square Uranus, Trine Chiron and Oppose Pluto. Venus in mythology, was the only god/goddess who could calm Mars. We are invited to bring a Venusian touch to liberation, compassion and transformation this week.

    These aspects will contribute to a Grand Cross, two sets of oppositions that square each other. The signs I mentioned above are the signs that will likely experience the effects described by the aspect.

    We have been going through the Saturn/Uranus Opposition, and the final opposition for this pair will occur later this summer. The characteristics of an opposition are – stalemate, polarization. Our individual charts provide more detail about where and how these transits will affect us personally – whether we will pick a side or watch others engage in debate or conflict, for example.

    The Grand Cross, being constructed of two sets of opposition, suggest that we may be tempering ourselves in repeated experiences of frustration and by facing obstacles in our lives, in our society.

    For now, the focus is on what we desire, in all its small pleasures and deep-set needs. Over the next week, you may feel the impulse to spend more than what's necessary, for example. While the dance is in full swing, invite yourself to describe what your desires look like. It would be a good time to see how that changes, if you ask yourself each day of this week.

    Saturday, May 15, 2010

    Sensory Processing Disorder: Day two of a three day workshop

    For the last two days, I've been in a workshop led by Robert Scaer, author of The Body Bears the Burden and Ana do Valle an Occupational Therapist who specializes in self regulation with infants, children and adults. There's one day remaining.

    I've attended two continuing education classes for therapists/counselors so far. I've been impressed by the commitment these folks have to restoring clarity and good health to their clients.

    My job, as an astrologer, is to provide information about the content of your astrological chart. I interact with other astrologers, often consulting with peers and mentors to evaluate how I can improve my practice. I also attend classes to deepen my knowledge of the patterns in the chart.

    During a reading, it's possible that the information I'm providing is a source of agitation to a client. It's not unusual for a client to be excited, to make notes, to share personal details - and there have been clients who have been emotional.

    When a client is impacted by the information in the reading, if the client is in a place where the support they need goes beyond a once a year consult, it's possible that the right next step is to make a referral to a liscenced therapist, bodyworker or similar. A workshop, like the one I'm attending this weekend, is a wonderful way for me to identify where that line exists - and when best to refer a client.

    For more details on the content of the workshop, please see my previous post - Fight, Flight or Freeze....

    Thursday, May 13, 2010

    Taurus New Moon

    This evening, the Sun and the Moon appeared in the same location in the sky. As a result, the moon is not visible. Within 25 hours, a thin crescent will appear in the sky.

    Now is the time to plant seeds for a harvest at the full moon (May 27). The idea is that intentions set now will quickly grow in the growing light of the full moon.

    As the darkness subsides, give yourself time to sense your intentions, to sink into a sensuous state or listen to music - all proper Taurean responses to this Taurus New Moon.

    Tuesday, May 11, 2010

    Mercury Direct: 8 hour count down

    Mercury is slowing down, turning around like a big ship in the sea. Energy is building, like a rocket getting ready for lift off. In this time of "just before something happens" I think about how this month is full of transits that suggest we are positioning ourselves (or not) for the change that keeps licking at us like flames in a fire. In the next month, and through the summer, change is coming. Little bits for now... the transits that are happening in the next few days are useful enough to focus on now.

    Following Mercury's return to apparant forward motion, we enter the Balsamic Moon phase. This is when the Moon does not appear in the sky, preceding the New Moon phase.

    In the Balsamic Moon phase, things fall apart (think small-scale, this transit happens every month). The opportunity in the next few days is to actively get rid of things you no longer need/want to play such a large role in your life. Every garden needs weeding after flowers fade and greenery returns to the ground as decay.

    The New Moon, May 13th here in the Pacific Northwest, begins like the Balsamic Moon ends, dark as pitch. Even though the energy moves us forward, we cannot see our path. We have our plan in place, we are moving in the right direction - and the potential for stumbling remains. Slight changes to the plan may be necessary at the beginning of the process, are to be expected, even. This month's New Moon in Taurus is an opportunity for us to embrace the change that is best for us, that fits us best, underscoring stability as we move into the a summer of change.

    Thursday, May 6, 2010


    We're in the last 5 days of Mercury's apparent backward path through the sky. One of the manifestations for Mercury Retrograde is a sort of nostalgia - whether people return from your past, circumstances conspire to remind you of your past, or spring cleaning kicks up memories.

    The opportunity, when faced with a recurrence in your life, is to complete (or re-complete) the cycle. Sometimes, the opportunity is to bring closure - when spring cleaning, you throw away or give away items that you thought you'd never leave behind. Sometimes, the opportunity is to repeat an experience, perhaps with more objectivity, perhaps with a better outcome.

    What's also possible, is a reaction like "Why is this happening again!!". Anger, vulnerability, confusion - all of these emotions could erupt in response to returning experience. Frustration with a feeling of falling backward could create an impatient response, a possibility of a negative result.

    Saturn and Uranus are continuing to generate tension between what is expected and what is possible. This configuration, depending on where it falls in your chart, could create a great deal of frustration.

    The art of navigating to a positive outcome while structures fall and inspiration only barely suggests new opportunities is not easy to execute. Focus on what you want to see next year, it may help alleviate a tendency to react.

    Saturday, May 1, 2010

    Through the looking glass

    May 2010 - starts off slow, gets busy in the middle and launches us all into a glimpse of the future by the end.

    Starts off slow:
    As of today, we are out of the exact opposition of Saturn and Uranus. This transit will still be in effect through most of the month and plays a significant role this summer. As a reminder, the energies associated with this opposition are a polarization of rules and freedom. We can start feeling an attraction to rules that outshines reason or a rebellious embracing of freedom that leaves the structure of our lives appearing meaningless. One way to use this energy is to acknowledge our limitations, make note of our discomfort and orient ourselves toward positive change. This will stand us in good stead as the change continues for us all, throughout the summer & even into the fall.

    For 10 more days, Mercury appears to move in reverse through the sky. During this time it is important to do your research for any contracts, tech purchases and business partnerships. It's a good time to finish outstanding business, in fact you may find that business erupts all over again , giving you an opportunity to clear it out of your way.

    Gets busy in the middle:
    We are 13 days away from the new moon in Taurus. This new moon, occurring two days after Mercury returns to direct motion, signals beginnings. New Moons are a good time to freshen up your wish list, plant seeds, or even cut your hair, if you want your hair to grow faster according to old school almanacs.

    Launches us into a glimpse of the future:
    I'll write more about this in the next few weeks, but wanted to touch on this idea now - as Uranus moves into and out of Aries this summer, it will mirror the energy that will take hold next March.

    Specifically, on May 27, Uranus moves into Aries, where it will stay until mid-August. Then it will go back into Pisces until mid-March 2011. Uranus will be in Aries from 2011-2018. This will also add electricity to the Full Moon, also on May 27th.

    The effect of a Uranus transit depends on where the planet is placed in your chart. The general interpretation of Uranus for an individual is that it's where you exhibit eccentricity, unique ideas, rebellion and/or genius. This planet moves slowly, because it moves slowly it can have a very deep impact.

    Monday, April 26, 2010


    Today's opposition between Saturn and Uranus is the fourth transit of this nature. The fifth and final opposition will occur on July 26. Over the next two months, change unfolds on a large-scale. There are closer aspects in play this week.

    The first of those aspects is Mars squaring the Sun and soon Mercury. This transit adds a tendency to irritation for all of us. For those of us with the Sun in Taurus or Leo, this irritation feels personal.

    Another transit coming into play is the Full Moon, on Wednesday, April 28, 5:18 am PDT, 8:18 am EDT. The Full Moon is the culmination of the monthly cycle, a time to celebrate how we have been blessed. This Full Moon is in Scorpio, a sign associated with a stubborn tendency to privacy. Holding back can add fuel to the fire of the anger that Mars Square the Sun can generate. Anger will eventually will find its way to the surface, and can be released unproductively to the nearest target.

    The final transit I want to mention is the inferior Mercury Conjunction. Don't have to remember the name - the effect is an illumination of ideas that have been floating around 10 days ago. If you keep a journal, look back to see if you have any notes from that time. An entry from that time in my journal contains a wish list of projects I am planning for the rest of the year.

    The idea of this time is to think again of what were puzzling over, because easy insights are available in the next few days. I'm going to go over my list again, to see if I can shorten it or cross anything off. The next part of this cycle, taking another step, occurs on May 11, 2010. No need to avoid acting before that time, it just becomes a more fluid process then - when Mercury goes Direct.

    Thursday, April 22, 2010

    Simplify, Simplify

    The Sun moved into Taurus on April 19. To convey some of the archetype of Taurus, here are some thoughts:

    -the pleasure of eating when you are really hungry
    -singing or playing music at the close of an evening
    -a deep, restful sleep
    -waking up and getting to work, happily, day after day

    There is a simplicity to Taurus, an even-ness. There are fewer words, more music and food.

    Along with that, there is a practicality - embracing the necessities of survival. There is a focus on value - and if what you value is not going to keep you alive, heart and soul, then there will be discomfort.

    Folks with the sun in Taurus can be stubborn, deliberate and private. They can seek security through their belongings, from a treasured object to a flush bank account.

    The opportunity for all of us, while the Sun is in Taurus, is to simplify. Whether we simplify by focusing on the joys of the day-to-day, or by consciously releasing our attachment to mental chatter, a packed schedule, or complicated conversations.

    In a few days, Saturn will oppose Uranus. There is an increasing tension as we approach this transit. I've written before about a feeling of stalemate, letting that tension exist without trying to deflate it by resorting to checking out or other old habits and waiting for a new path through. Now is the time to observe, to let the crazy train pass you without jumping on for a ride.

    More coming, soon.

    Monday, April 19, 2010

    Chiron, the Wounded Healer

    Adding to the influences that are changing us in this month, the asteroid Chiron changes from Aquarius to Pisces.

    The Myth of Chiron describes the characteristics of nobility among beasts. The half-man, half-horse Centaurs were known as lusty and wild. Although Chiron was a centaur, he was civilized and a treasured teacher to the warrior Achilles and the bringer of medicine Asclepius, among others.

    Chiron instructs young Achilles.

    Chiron's story begins with rejection from his mother, Philyra, who asks to be transformed into a tree rather than live with the monster she gave birth to. Chiron's father, Zeus, also rejects Chiron, denying that Chiron is his son. The pain of this early betrayal and abandonment frames how Chiron is used in astrology. Chiron is associated with wounds that don't heal. Chiron's noble life frames another element of this astrological archetype - how accepting that vulnerability can result in having compassion and strength to offer others.

    It's difficult to toss Chiron concepts into to readings. I'm always happy to share the positive indicators that I see in a chart. I'm also aware that life is big - and hard to get through without loss or pain. Sometimes, Chiron's placement in the chart can offer context for a source of pain that has been resistant to improved habits, positive thinking, or even denial. When that is the case, discovering the context of ongoing, personal pain can be an immense source of relief and lead to acceptance of oneself on a deeper level.

    Humans are not perfect. Seeing your own flaws with compassion, embracing them - can prevent projecting these same flaws on others. With acceptance, you can ultimately provide healing for those around you. That's the opportunity when working with Chiron in your chart.

    The shift to Pisces indicates an opportunity to bring more compassion to how you engage in life. Other manifestations could include identifying with a victim mentality, blaming yourself or others for weakness and seeing the worst in others.

    Where the sign of Pisces is in your chart will describe the effect of this transit. Someone with a Pisces Sun, for example, may feel a return of old wounds (which may appear to be new wounds) or may pick up other's pain more easily during this time. Likewise, a Virgo Sun placement may indicate a difficulty in identifying with one's own pain or sympathizing with other's, due to the opposition to Chiron. Still others may not feel an effect, if the Pisces placement doesn't touch their personal planets. Chiron will be in Pisces through April 2018, during this transit there may be a dramatic change in how we approach healing altogether.

    Read more on the recently passed influence of Chiron in Aquarius visit

    Saturday, April 17, 2010

    Touching Down

    Today (here in the Pacific Northwest) or early tomorrow morning, Mercury will begin it's apparent backward path through the sky. For 3 weeks, until May 11th, it's generally considered to be a time when travel complications arise (hello Eyjafjallajökull!), when communication can go awry and when signing legal documents, purchasing new technological equipment or buying a house can be trickier than usual. This cycle occurs three times each year - the next will occur in late August, and the final for this year will begin after the first week of December.

    This particular go-round comes at a time when we're all being asked to adjust. In some instances, we're being asked to change behaviors that are near and dear to us, changes that come with a cost. With this in mind, it may be worthwhile to focus on some of the more personal uses of this aspect.

    One of the great uses for a Mercury Retrograde cycle is to review what's working for you and what isn't, in your life. Are you juggling more projects or events than usual, is that working for you? Have you made progress you aren't giving yourself credit for? Is there dust lingering on your bookshelves that you can take a moment to clear off - or files you can put away or shred?

    Another good way to approach this time is to consider what private conversations do we need to have, either with ourselves or with others, to move things along? Mercury is the planet associated with communication and during it's retrograde cycle it's common for more closed door conversations to occur. This can be more obvious at work, where projects may appear stalled, but really have gone underground. The same is true at home, where it may be time to bring up topics that shouldn't be swept under the rug, and that may benefit from being out of everyone's view.

    This Monday, a day or two into this cycle, the comet Chiron will move into the sensitive sign of Pisces. Chiron isn't used by all astrologers - when it is, it's typically associated with a wounding that doesn't heal in each of us, that either allows us to see the worst in others, or have compassion for each other, knowing our own unhealable pain. That this comet is moving into the most sensitive sign in the zodiac, there is an opportunity for us to be more gentle with ourselves and our own human frailty and a likelihood that we will see more of other's weaknesses in this month than usual.

    Be patient, take a walk outside, take a breath.

    More soon.

    Tuesday, April 13, 2010

    Aries New Moon - Here's to a fresh start and slowing down

    Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 14, 5:29 am PDT, 8:29 am EDT) is the first New Moon of the first sign of the yearly astrological cycle, Aries. During this time, up here in the Northern Hemisphere - Spring emerges, energy rises, we feel ourselves pulled into action.

    Both the Moon and Sun are in Aries, and patience is not the hallmark of that sign. I was taught a short phrase that characterizes Aries energy, "Ready, Shoot, Aim!". This sign placements suggests that we feel comfortable making snap judgements or rushing to decisions.

    The opportunity with a new moon is to reflect on what you envision for yourself in the coming month, specifically, that which will come to fruition at the full moon this month on April 28th. Ideally, tomorrow, you can give yourself the gift of strategizing your way through a potentially tough month.

    To recap the aspects coming this month: the Saturn-Uranus opposition contributing to a feeling of stalemate that, if approached with patience and detachment, can lead to an "aha!" moment and the Mercury retrograde potentially confusing communication.

    In addition to those aspects, there is a general slowing down of transformative energy and our ability to manifest, after Pluto and Saturn both went retrograde last week. With so much energy slowing us down collectively, even though the Aries energy urges us forward, it becomes more important to be calm and patient this month.

    If you come across this reading after April 14th, you can still benefit from thinking before you act. Just know that this will be a potentially frustrating month, that change is coming in all forms and to expect the unexpected.

    Friday, April 2, 2010

    Fight, Flight or Freeze (or Managing Change)

    I've been spending a lot of time with Robert Scaer & Philip Levine's work on trauma - The Body Bears the Burden and Healing Trauma, respectively. Both authors add the "freeze response" to the Fight or Flight stress response concept - the idea that we react to trauma with fight, flight or a freeze/shock response. You can still act, but there is confusion and a need to recover. This process sets up a repeated response to trauma, and because there is no trigger to "unfreeze" after a traumatic event, can result in increased vulnerability to lesser and lesser traumas over time. I bring it up because freezing is more common in groups of people living in crowded cities, like most of the folks reading this blog, so "unfreezing" ourselves may be a profitable venture overall. Also, and more relevant to this update, upcoming transits may tax our fluidity and the above serves as a reminder to look for flexible responses in the coming month.


    Later this month, when Mercury goes retrograde (see the entry below for a description of what this implies) and a little later, when Saturn concludes its fourth opposition to Uranus, there will be an increased potential for discomfort as we all experience the rules and structures of life conflicting with concepts of freedom and new-ness.

    The characteristics of an opposition are - stalemate, polarization. Our individual charts provide more detail about where and how these transits will affect us personally - whether we will pick a side or watch others engage in debate or conflict, for example.

    Oppositions are transits that generate awareness, but it feels like action is the right response. It's like a storm building but not really moving anywhere, raining instead on one little plot of land. The difficulties arise when you engage the energy, instead of passing a storm, you drive right into it.

    During opposition transits, it's easy to resort to whatever crutches we use as situations in our lives become difficult, with building tensions that we cannot resolve. A more useful approach could be to allow the tension of the stalemate to exist, without resorting to habitual behavior, until there is an aha moment - until truly new information comes to light*.


    It's not difficult to see an example of a kind of stalemate in the U.S. - coincidentally, the first of the five Saturn/Uranus oppositions occurred on November 4, 2008 - a time of shifting power in the United States. I see it in the adamant opposition from each side of the political parties in the U.S. - sort of a fervor that prevents actual discussion.

    A Change in US Politics

    One approach that can be beneficial this month is to count to 5 when faced with difficulty. Sort of simplistic, I know, but with the amount of change that is going on globally, it's worth giving yourself extra seconds to allow yourself to consider options thoughtfully, especially when the blood pressure rises and it becomes more difficult to employ logic.

    That's mine by hatman003 via Flickr
    First, Count to Five

    This transit will conclude in late July. As we get through April and into the aspects of the summer, I'll post more about them. For now, it's useful to know we're moving into a time where opportunities are coming in but not yet blooming and, toward the mid-month, shift from easy communication to somewhat confusing communication that accompanies a Mercury Retrograde. An image that comes to mind is crossing over a creek using stones dotted across the water. That's a good path, fun even, if you are balanced.

    Making Our Way With Balance

    *Thanks to Melanie Reinhart for describing this approach to 0ppositions

    Saturday, March 27, 2010

    Enjoying the Momentum?

    Recent transits have opened the flood gates to allow pent up energies to, at long last, bubble to the surface. While this energy continues to emerge – the moon’s shift into cool Virgo tomorrow could add a touch of tension to the air.

    Monday’s Full Moon in Libra, while lovely on its own, brings relationship issues up for possible resolution. This is a time of change for all of us, so if you begin to see things that you do not like, or cannot live with, then look (slowly) for solutions that will resolve issues for the long haul.

    Mercury Retrograde, a period where our normally outward communication turns inward, begins again on April 17. The period of potential difficulty for communication, contract negotiations and situations with hidden agendas, lasts roughly 3 weeks, through May 11. There are many different views of Mercury Retrograde and how it’s reflected in our day-to-day lives. My take is that it’s a better time for research than decisions, though one shouldn’t avoid making decisions just because there is a Mercury Retrograde underway. If you have to sign a contract or purchase a house, or car, or computer – the idea is that there may be unknown difficulties that emerge after the Mercury Retrograde period concludes.

    There’s a bunch of interesting stuff coming this spring. I’ll have more on April’s transits when I write next.

    Saturday, March 20, 2010

    Action, Jackson

    On March 20, the Sun moves into Aries, joining Mercury and Venus in this sign of shoot first, ask questions later. There’s a building energy that is available for use. This is very different from the recent cycle & there’s a window of about a month to capitalize on this energy before the fog returns and patience is needed.

    More soon, there are different dynamics going on that are worth discussing.


    Have you ever been in a car that is almost out of gas? You press on the acceleration pedal, with a weak result, hoping to make it to a gas station in time? Maybe you are better at keeping your tank full, even so, you may feel a slowing down this week.

    Mars, the planet of vitality and vigor, is slowing down before revving up again in the lively sign of Leo. The suggested effect on folks could manifest as obstacles, lethargy or frustration as we press to accomplish our goals with less and less fuel. This energy builds, or subsides rather, until Wednesday, March 10th. That’s when Mars gets going in the right direction. Until that time, and for a short while after, be patient with yourself as you go about your days.

    Another transit that could affect your week is a conjunction with Mercury and the Sun this Sunday, March 14th. This conjunction is a cyclic pattern, which happens multiple times each year. The gist of this transit is an increase of available information. What may have felt like pulling teeth becomes easier, when it comes to getting details on important situations, or feedback, etc.

    With both of these elements in play, there is plenty of energy and information that are about to be unleashed. The amount of energy could agitate people – but if you are aware of it coming and know how to use it, you could see a lot of forward motion on your goals in a short period of time.

    Thanks for swinging by!