Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sensory Processing Disorder: Day two of a three day workshop

For the last two days, I've been in a workshop led by Robert Scaer, author of The Body Bears the Burden and Ana do Valle an Occupational Therapist who specializes in self regulation with infants, children and adults. There's one day remaining.

I've attended two continuing education classes for therapists/counselors so far. I've been impressed by the commitment these folks have to restoring clarity and good health to their clients.

My job, as an astrologer, is to provide information about the content of your astrological chart. I interact with other astrologers, often consulting with peers and mentors to evaluate how I can improve my practice. I also attend classes to deepen my knowledge of the patterns in the chart.

During a reading, it's possible that the information I'm providing is a source of agitation to a client. It's not unusual for a client to be excited, to make notes, to share personal details - and there have been clients who have been emotional.

When a client is impacted by the information in the reading, if the client is in a place where the support they need goes beyond a once a year consult, it's possible that the right next step is to make a referral to a liscenced therapist, bodyworker or similar. A workshop, like the one I'm attending this weekend, is a wonderful way for me to identify where that line exists - and when best to refer a client.

For more details on the content of the workshop, please see my previous post - Fight, Flight or Freeze....

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