Friday, June 25, 2010

Full Moon Eclipse 6/26/2010

The eclipse at the Full Moon is 15 hours from the time this was posted.

By now, the Sun in Cancer is directly opposed Pluto in Capricorn. The Sun in Cancer is Trined by Neptune. While there is a great deal of tension in the air, there is also opportunity for inspiration and connection. With the Sun in Cancer, it's a good time to nourish yourself. Focus on those things that help you feel as though you have enough resources to weather any difficulty. Look for ways to ease tension.

In my previous post, I mentioned emptying yourself, to allow for the new energies coming in. There is another way to put that. Listen. Quiet the buzzing energies and listen for the incoming information that is unique for you.

This is one of weeks and weeks of interesting, challenging transits. While it's true that there may be events that touch us personally, it's also possible that we will witness events or hear about them, instead of personally experience them. This weekend, we may feel as if we are personally effected, no matter what.

Touch in to the gentlest part of yourself. Be kind to yourself.


Photo credit:
hipster graffiti by striatic

1 comment:

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