Monday, August 23, 2010

Sun in Virgo, Full Moon in Pisces

It's a rich time in the heavens as the sun transitions from regal Leo to methodical Virgo. Tuesday's moon in Pisces will have just swung by the Neptune/Chiron conjunction in late Aquarius before it is full. Mercury went retrograde two and a half days ago.

What does it all mean?

Let's start with the Sun in Virgo. There is a lovely refinement to Virgo - a tempering of the generosity that Leo comes out of the gate with. Virgo is focused, and specifics are important with the sun in this sign.

Yet, not more than a degree into Virgo and the moon sweeps by Neptune, the planet of dissolving form and Chiron, a centaur that represents deep empathy while on its way to oppose the sun in Neptune's sign, Pisces. I've heard that the flow of Pisces, the simple intuitive knowing, is difficult for process-driven Virgo. I think this full moon, representing a harvest from the last new moon on Aug 10th, is about the faith in your own process. It brings to mind the part of ourselves that pay the bills, make the lunches and get the chores done.

At the same time, we're two and a half days into a Mercury Retrograde cycle. Mercury is in Virgo, reversing it's course until September 12th and leaving it's shadow on the 27th of September. Details that we were tracking before the retrograde started may be difficult to pin down. It's fruitful to research, but not necessarily to sign contracts, buy tech equipment, houses, etc. As we find our flow during this time of unexpected delays, quick changes and stalls, events may have a frustrating quality. When that happens, I suggest you hold on to your own center and wait for clarity to emerge.

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