Saturday, March 27, 2010

Enjoying the Momentum?

Recent transits have opened the flood gates to allow pent up energies to, at long last, bubble to the surface. While this energy continues to emerge – the moon’s shift into cool Virgo tomorrow could add a touch of tension to the air.

Monday’s Full Moon in Libra, while lovely on its own, brings relationship issues up for possible resolution. This is a time of change for all of us, so if you begin to see things that you do not like, or cannot live with, then look (slowly) for solutions that will resolve issues for the long haul.

Mercury Retrograde, a period where our normally outward communication turns inward, begins again on April 17. The period of potential difficulty for communication, contract negotiations and situations with hidden agendas, lasts roughly 3 weeks, through May 11. There are many different views of Mercury Retrograde and how it’s reflected in our day-to-day lives. My take is that it’s a better time for research than decisions, though one shouldn’t avoid making decisions just because there is a Mercury Retrograde underway. If you have to sign a contract or purchase a house, or car, or computer – the idea is that there may be unknown difficulties that emerge after the Mercury Retrograde period concludes.

There’s a bunch of interesting stuff coming this spring. I’ll have more on April’s transits when I write next.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Action, Jackson

On March 20, the Sun moves into Aries, joining Mercury and Venus in this sign of shoot first, ask questions later. There’s a building energy that is available for use. This is very different from the recent cycle & there’s a window of about a month to capitalize on this energy before the fog returns and patience is needed.

More soon, there are different dynamics going on that are worth discussing.


Have you ever been in a car that is almost out of gas? You press on the acceleration pedal, with a weak result, hoping to make it to a gas station in time? Maybe you are better at keeping your tank full, even so, you may feel a slowing down this week.

Mars, the planet of vitality and vigor, is slowing down before revving up again in the lively sign of Leo. The suggested effect on folks could manifest as obstacles, lethargy or frustration as we press to accomplish our goals with less and less fuel. This energy builds, or subsides rather, until Wednesday, March 10th. That’s when Mars gets going in the right direction. Until that time, and for a short while after, be patient with yourself as you go about your days.

Another transit that could affect your week is a conjunction with Mercury and the Sun this Sunday, March 14th. This conjunction is a cyclic pattern, which happens multiple times each year. The gist of this transit is an increase of available information. What may have felt like pulling teeth becomes easier, when it comes to getting details on important situations, or feedback, etc.

With both of these elements in play, there is plenty of energy and information that are about to be unleashed. The amount of energy could agitate people – but if you are aware of it coming and know how to use it, you could see a lot of forward motion on your goals in a short period of time.

Thanks for swinging by!