Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sun moves into Gemini - what are you fighting for?

Today, the Sun moved into Gemini - the planet signifying communication. After the transition the Sun makes through stalwart Taurus, the lighter energy of Gemini is welcome. I would say it is the energy characterizes the feeling of summer. The Sun moves into Cancer next, then Leo - in the Northern Hemisphere, the sweet and hot energy those signs are associated with are what typify summer.

The transits we're experiencing are not simple. Several planets are still in Taurus, the planet of steadfast and practical progress. So, there may be a feeling of resistance for new endeavors, even though it is a great time to laying the groundwork for new projects. Intention is key in times like these. Understanding what goal you want to achieve will help you stay on a path to achieve it.

There is a tension that adds to the current energies and this is the result of an upcoming eclipse. Eclipses are disruptive and some say they offer a window into the next six months. When we would most benefit from calm observation, we're often thrown off by irritation and suprise. From June 1 to July 1, we're going to see three eclipses. This is a little more disruptive energy than usual. Look to the horizon (metaphorically) to steady yourself.

Photo Credit: Z Dead

Mars ingress to Taurus - show your work

Mars will move out of the cluster of planets in Aries and into Taurus this Thursday, May 12th.

After a period of frustrating starts and stops at the end of April, May began with a Whoosh! Pow! Pop! There is an opportunity to ask for more of what you need and assert your ability to achieve more that will continue through the month.

Beginning this Thursday, the shift of Mars into Taurus with create a more subdued environment, and one with the focus on showing your work. It will no longer be enough to say what your goals are, you'll have to prove you're capable.

and we're back

I saw the lovely crescent moon tonight as I made my way home from a lecture Alan Oken was giving on the opportunities that are present when Uranus is in Aries. I got a lot out of that lecture & will have more on it shortly.

Changes are coming for Effective Astrology - changes that bring more frequent updates & a bit of back tracking to help build context for changes we're all seeing in the world.

To touch on just one - Neptune moved into Pisces on Monday of this week. Neptune, among other things, is the planet of inspiration. It's complimentarily located in Pisces. That suggests to me that, while difficulties may be present, it's important to touch into what inspires you.

More to come.

Sun in Scorpio

We move toward a deeper influence, with the sun moving from a more congenial sign - Libra, into a more intense sign, Scorpio.

Last night's full moon in Aries offered a bracing energy to the recent tumult that was the result of Venus retrograde in Scorpio. All of that to say - things have been tumultuous. Tough, interesting and with a mental edge. We are moving into a more emotional time, even if that is not something that is obvious between folks.

More soon - just touching in as the Sun moves forward.