Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jupiter conjunct Uranus

Uranus and Jupiter are joined together in 0 degrees Aries. Together, these planets represent liberation and expansion. They share the first degree of the zodiac, suggesting something completely new emerging. It's a good time to embrace the weird, accept a certain degree of awkward, to feel the buoyancy available to all of us.

Along with this transit, Saturn is continuing through the last degrees of Virgo, making it's way to one last opposition with Uranus and Jupiter. Saturn represents structure and law. With enough structure, we can manifest - creating a container for reality like a house creates a container for a home. Without Saturn, we can be absolutely free and experience many things - but we cannot build, cannot leverage strength, can't sustain or make our dreams real.

The transits now are in conflict - it's not a slam dunk that we can use the energies presented to us. The habits and structures we rely upon may be shifting, may be crumbling. It's uncomfortable to let go. Even if we desire and embrace change, the loss of stability may cause erratic behavior that is just an escape from discomfort - escape that distracts us and doesn't lead to freedom.

This is a time to live and, to a certain extent, to accept the confusion that comes with change. A teacher once shared the idea that we rush through our confusion to our detriment. She said that if we sit with our questions, we allow ourselves time to sort through details on an unconscious level, which brings us to deeper conclusions. I believe that. Give yourself enough time to center and attune to your own inner wisdom.


Reynolds said...

Man oh man do I prefer my confusion to be short-lived and quickly resolved.

Effective Astrology said...

I hear you - The urge to have an immediate answer is really strong.