Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Libra New Moon - September 27, 2011

meteor crater credit: dbking viaflickr

Yesterday morning, the Moon and Sun appeared to cross paths, leaving the night sky dark and inky. They both were in Libra, the sign of the diplomat.

Joining the two lights - the Sun and the Moon - were Mercury, Venus and Saturn. These planets are apparently opposed by Uranus and strongly squared by Pluto. What this all adds up to, is a great deal of intensity beneath a surface that is trying to connect.

This is a volatile combination. There is a real desire and benefit to working with others, along with deep needs and potentially explosive behaviors. How does one honor their own desires while being close and connected?

Preceding the new Moon, the energy is about shedding. Now that the new Moon is here, it's time to build. The Moon will be visible again in a few days. Metaphorically, we are still in the dark. Acknowledging where we're at is critical, announcing it may not be the point.

The position of Saturn in the new Moon chart suggests that it's time to get disciplined. If you are confident in your discipline, then allow for time to feel the bubbling energy and then release it.

If you are not disciplined, identify where your rhythym exists, where you are consistent. Use that as a model to support consistency. Down the line, consistency can evolve into discipline.

The upcoming full Moon, on October 11, occurs with Saturn conjunct the Sun. This emphasis on grounding energy, being discplined and able to answer for one's actions isn't going anywhere this month.

Photo credit: dbking viaflickr

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mars ingress to Leo, September 18, 2011

Mars moves out of the sign of Cancer and into Leo today. Leo is a sign of royalty, of peerless quality. Mars is invigorated in Leo, drawing on the fiery energy that Leo signifies.

The chart for the ingress, on the West Coast, has Pisces on the Ascendant, with Neptune in the twelfth house. This softens the effectiveness of the Mars, suggesting that we'll need to rely on intuition and will need to deal with some confusion as we work to manifest our goals. Mars is trine Uranus, suggesting that our work can lead to unexpected results. A square to Venus from Pluto suggests we're grappling with desires that can overwhelm.

This ingress occurs just after Pluto goes direct in Capricorn. There are real volumes of energy we can access. Our control of situations goes only so far and that may be difficult to remember as events transpire.

Thinking ahead to the Fall Equinox, it will be interesting to me to watch the first few days of this week go by and then revisit my notes for the Equinox on Friday September 23rd. Balance is the key for Equinox preparation. My guess is that we'll see extremes, instead.

photo credit: Ancient Art via Flickr

Pluto Direct: September 16, 2011

Yesterday, Pluto (still a factor in astrological considerations) stationed direct. What this means is that Pluto appeared to reverse it's direction in the sky beginning on April 9, 2011 and now, since September 16, appears to move forward.

Pluto is travelling through Capricorn currently, a sign associated with authority and achievement, since January 25, 2008. Pluto will remain in Capricorn for the next 13 years, until January 21, 2024.

Pluto symbolizes transformation, rebirth and, in Evolutionary Astrology, the soul. In Capricorn, on a global scale, Pluto in Capricorn suggests an upturning of existing power structures and in some quarters, a return to the power of the feminine, of nourishing life into creation.

On a more personal level, wherever you have Capricorn, Libra, Cancer or Aries in your chart in the early degrees (Capricorn sun born in December, for example - Libra sun born in September and so on), it is likely that you've experienced stressful change. While Pluto was retrograde, the focus of transformative energy was turned inward. Now that Pluto is direct, that transformation is coming back with vigor.

So, what to do? The truth is that the key to a Pluto transit is surrender. You can still be productive, still embrace your own power. When you are overwhelmed by events outside of your control, it will help if you acknowledge it. Try to deepen your compassion for yourself. This is a transformative time, which you will see in retrospect.

In the chart for Pluto staion direct, a few factors stand out. Venus is in Libra, suggesting strong desire and opposes Uranus, exaggerating that desire. It's possible that the energy we've needed to move on goals is now available. With the Moon and Jupiter fairly close together, there could be exaggerating feelings. Because of the available energy and the inclination to blow things out of proportion, it would be an advantage to observe before acting in the next few weeks.

photo credit: Undertow851 via Flickr

Balance at the Fall Equinox

"In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth."
Patti Smith

"I do not think that a saint dissolves the chaos even for himself, for there is something arrogant and warlike in the notion of a man setting the universe in order. It is a kind of balance that is his glory..."
Leonard Cohen

With the Sun's ingress into Libra, we leave summer in the Northern Hemisphere and move into fall. In contrast to the solstice, where the light is at extremes, the equinox marks a period of balance.

I usually observe the Equinox. Either with friends or on my own, I take some time to sit quietly, with notes I've made, to set my intentions for the fall. I think about what I want to accomplish and what I want to celebrate. With that in mind, the chart specifics for this Equinox are detailed below.

We can use this time, on September 23 at 5:04a ET/2:04a PT, to set our intentions toward balance. The chart for this time is a strong one. Specifically the Equinox chart suggests that we can benefit from a thought-out approach to balancing our energies. You can start the process now for any Equinox observation you make next Friday. The chart has a Virgo ascendant, suggesting a certain pickiness - if you listen to the signals your picky self is giving off, you may get insight into ways you can course correct & discover balance.

The Sun, Venus and Saturn are in Libra in the Equinox chart, strengthening the effect of Libra (Libra key words: goal oriented, brainy, with an aesthetic focus). Venus and Saturn are in the second house, suggesting an opportunity to bring in money. If you are in a difficult financial situation, be practical first. Then make notes about what you want to do with your money - what will make you comfortable, what will the money help you accomplish. Then offer those notes up to the season. Ask for money to come to you. The timing of this request can work in your favor.

Mars and the Moon are in the 11th house. This adds a social focus to the chart. When the Moon and Mars are close, you can easily get aggravated. You can also tap into a lot of energy. With Pluto in the fourth house of the chart, there can be a feeling of chaos in one's home, of disruption. Offhand, I would say there could be tension between groups and a desire to withdraw. Speaking to the larger cycles, I believe that the disruptions and aggravation are going to point toward things we need to change to allow our lives to grow in profound ways.

Historically, Equinox celebrations marked the harvest, with communities gathering together to feast and share bounty. At minimum, now, it's worth it to say what you are grateful for - and to connect with gratitude is exactly right at this time of year.

Photo Credit: mckaysavage

Yearning: About not getting what you want

I've been struggling to write here lately. The current astrological transits are complex: there is darkness and some folks are grieving. My take is, if you are focused on allowing change, especially for any area of your life that is too small for the life you intend to live, the benefits of the current transits (specifically: Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Taurus) will far outweigh the distress of the chaos we are all living in.

But there is more to my take than that. My take is that we are not in an idyllic world. That terrible things happen, that we endure profound change as we live into our lives - that pain can be paralyzing, breath-taking and that emerging into life asks us to carry on despite that truth. That by enjoying the beautiful things in life AND acknowledging the messed up crap, we stay sane and connected. These are the lines of thought that keep me going, that bring compassion into the mix of ego consciousness/narcissism.

Ideally, I want to write about the ingenious ways we can use astrology to assist ourselves in living a fantastic life. I'm paraphrasing an astrologer when I write that most people want to hear how their lives will be great, comfortable and safe. I am no exception. My struggle is that, as much as I want to share insights into solutions for obstacles to personal goals, I also recognize the value of not getting what you want.

Almost every day, I experience people in some state of yearning. Either the job is not a perfect fit, the people we're surrounded by are not resonating or something hurts and we can't get rid of it. On a personal level, I am quite fond of yearning. I love the things I get to see and am amazed by the life I get to live, and yet everyday I want something I don't have. I try, when the sensation of yearning arises, to simultaneously hold the sensation of satisfaction that I recall, alongside the chaos of desire. Somehow, the two sensations together wake me up.

This blog is about connecting with the transits - with the night sky and the legacy of the stars. Within are some of the most profound philosophies I've encountered. I want to share that here.

I'm ready to engage in the struggle.

photo credit: meglet127 via flickr

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New moon in Gemini ~ Partial Solar Eclipse

Today's eclipse was not as intense as some. The Sun and Moon were receiving only one major aspect, a trine from stabilizing Saturn, with it comes a sense that alignment and focus can bring lasting changes. That's a helpful aspect folks, coming in amongst the flotsam & jetsam.

If you have strong Gemini in your chart, you may feel an increased restlessness. There is no need to act, and whatever you end up doing, watch the effect of your actions today. I tend to think of eclipses as portals to a window of time six months down the line. You may be experiencing something that will have no sense of context until six months from now.

There are two additional eclipses coming, on June 15 & July 1. Since the energy of the last few months has been so concentrated, you may not notice the continuation. In fact, as planets move into Taurus and out of the stellium of Aries, which dominated the first half of last month, you may feel that you have time to breath in between tasks. Take it. And keep your eyes open.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sun moves into Gemini - what are you fighting for?

Today, the Sun moved into Gemini - the planet signifying communication. After the transition the Sun makes through stalwart Taurus, the lighter energy of Gemini is welcome. I would say it is the energy characterizes the feeling of summer. The Sun moves into Cancer next, then Leo - in the Northern Hemisphere, the sweet and hot energy those signs are associated with are what typify summer.

The transits we're experiencing are not simple. Several planets are still in Taurus, the planet of steadfast and practical progress. So, there may be a feeling of resistance for new endeavors, even though it is a great time to laying the groundwork for new projects. Intention is key in times like these. Understanding what goal you want to achieve will help you stay on a path to achieve it.

There is a tension that adds to the current energies and this is the result of an upcoming eclipse. Eclipses are disruptive and some say they offer a window into the next six months. When we would most benefit from calm observation, we're often thrown off by irritation and suprise. From June 1 to July 1, we're going to see three eclipses. This is a little more disruptive energy than usual. Look to the horizon (metaphorically) to steady yourself.

Photo Credit: Z Dead

Mars ingress to Taurus - show your work

Mars will move out of the cluster of planets in Aries and into Taurus this Thursday, May 12th.

After a period of frustrating starts and stops at the end of April, May began with a Whoosh! Pow! Pop! There is an opportunity to ask for more of what you need and assert your ability to achieve more that will continue through the month.

Beginning this Thursday, the shift of Mars into Taurus with create a more subdued environment, and one with the focus on showing your work. It will no longer be enough to say what your goals are, you'll have to prove you're capable.

and we're back

I saw the lovely crescent moon tonight as I made my way home from a lecture Alan Oken was giving on the opportunities that are present when Uranus is in Aries. I got a lot out of that lecture & will have more on it shortly.

Changes are coming for Effective Astrology - changes that bring more frequent updates & a bit of back tracking to help build context for changes we're all seeing in the world.

To touch on just one - Neptune moved into Pisces on Monday of this week. Neptune, among other things, is the planet of inspiration. It's complimentarily located in Pisces. That suggests to me that, while difficulties may be present, it's important to touch into what inspires you.

More to come.

Sun in Scorpio

We move toward a deeper influence, with the sun moving from a more congenial sign - Libra, into a more intense sign, Scorpio.

Last night's full moon in Aries offered a bracing energy to the recent tumult that was the result of Venus retrograde in Scorpio. All of that to say - things have been tumultuous. Tough, interesting and with a mental edge. We are moving into a more emotional time, even if that is not something that is obvious between folks.

More soon - just touching in as the Sun moves forward.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New, Improved!

Good news! I've redone my website & blog so that there is an all-in-one destination. Visit effectiveastrology.com for more details!