Friday, June 25, 2010

Full Moon Eclipse 6/26/2010

The eclipse at the Full Moon is 15 hours from the time this was posted.

By now, the Sun in Cancer is directly opposed Pluto in Capricorn. The Sun in Cancer is Trined by Neptune. While there is a great deal of tension in the air, there is also opportunity for inspiration and connection. With the Sun in Cancer, it's a good time to nourish yourself. Focus on those things that help you feel as though you have enough resources to weather any difficulty. Look for ways to ease tension.

In my previous post, I mentioned emptying yourself, to allow for the new energies coming in. There is another way to put that. Listen. Quiet the buzzing energies and listen for the incoming information that is unique for you.

This is one of weeks and weeks of interesting, challenging transits. While it's true that there may be events that touch us personally, it's also possible that we will witness events or hear about them, instead of personally experience them. This weekend, we may feel as if we are personally effected, no matter what.

Touch in to the gentlest part of yourself. Be kind to yourself.


Photo credit:
hipster graffiti by striatic

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse 6/26/2010

The activity in the skies points to a tremendous amount of potential for chaos to erupt in our lives. As I have been diligently trying to uncover each unique detail of the various aspects, the feedback I've received is "what am I supposed to do, while all of this is going on". Here are some ideas.

I think chaos is pretty distracting. My hat is off to those of you who have begun to clean out your homes, pare back the amount of paper you are trailing and to folks who have dug themselves out of the stuff that we accumulate without intending to.

For those of us caught up in the distractions, I offer a recommendation that you retain the joy that is your birth right, that you dance in the face of the wildness around us, that you embrace a deep love for yourself as you whirl through this time.

Overall, now is time to empty ourselves of attachment. It may be useful to imagine ourselves as a clown car, chock full of circus clowns. Imagine those clowns (think of gymnasts if clowns creep you out) rolling and flipping out of the car until the very last one has left the car. Let the spaciousness of an empty clown car exist for a moment.

We are adverse to emptiness in this society. We are accustomed to crowded thoughts, crowded belongings. It's not an easy task to let emptiness sit.

There is so much new energy in the environment. The opportunity to embrace it comes in many forms. It's a great idea to clear away the old, to make space (and feel it) before the new arrives.

It's up to you to embrace this time for your own best interest. If these suggestions don't resonate with you, no problem. I encourage you to follow your own internal guidance.

Note: Apologies for originally posting the incorrect date for this event!

Photo Credit:
Free Child Walking by Pink Sherbet Photography

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Solstice

via Flickr - from Vintagedept

Coming soon - the beginning of summer - Jun 21 2010 4:28 AM PT

Four days from now, the Sun moves into Cancer. This signifies the official beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The Solstice marks the moment when the Sun reaches the northern most point in the sky, apparently pausing before reversing its direction. It's heralded with bonfires and other celebrations around the world.

On the way, the Sun will form tense angles with Saturn and Uranus, increasing the tension in opposition between those two planets. In a week and a few days, the Sun will oppose Pluto, creating the Grand Cross that is the signature aspect of this summer.

There is a possibility that folks will feel inclined to personalize the tension that's in the air. We'll feel that issues in the world reflect something about us. We may discover our passions, opinions about events in the world.

There's also a Trine from the Sun in Cancer to the Moon in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces at about the same time. This water Grand Trine personalizes the instability even further, suggesting increased attachment to those habits that make us feel secure.

On the 26th of June, the Moon will join Pluto in Capricorn during a lunar eclipse. The energy of eclipses is disruptive. The Lunar eclipse in June is followed by a Solar eclipse on July 11. The time between the two is a glimpse at events that may transpire six months from now. It's useful to find a way to relax during that time. The tendency is to feel anxious and that increases the tendency to react.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jupiter conjunct Uranus

Uranus and Jupiter are joined together in 0 degrees Aries. Together, these planets represent liberation and expansion. They share the first degree of the zodiac, suggesting something completely new emerging. It's a good time to embrace the weird, accept a certain degree of awkward, to feel the buoyancy available to all of us.

Along with this transit, Saturn is continuing through the last degrees of Virgo, making it's way to one last opposition with Uranus and Jupiter. Saturn represents structure and law. With enough structure, we can manifest - creating a container for reality like a house creates a container for a home. Without Saturn, we can be absolutely free and experience many things - but we cannot build, cannot leverage strength, can't sustain or make our dreams real.

The transits now are in conflict - it's not a slam dunk that we can use the energies presented to us. The habits and structures we rely upon may be shifting, may be crumbling. It's uncomfortable to let go. Even if we desire and embrace change, the loss of stability may cause erratic behavior that is just an escape from discomfort - escape that distracts us and doesn't lead to freedom.

This is a time to live and, to a certain extent, to accept the confusion that comes with change. A teacher once shared the idea that we rush through our confusion to our detriment. She said that if we sit with our questions, we allow ourselves time to sort through details on an unconscious level, which brings us to deeper conclusions. I believe that. Give yourself enough time to center and attune to your own inner wisdom.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pluto trine Mars, Jupiter inconjunct Mars, among others

There are so many aspects in play this summer - the planets are interacting with each other in ways that suggest massive change. Some aspects have not occurred for decades, some for centuries and although none are new, they describe a tumult that will touch each of us.

13 hours ago, Jupiter joined Uranus in Aries and the Moon sidled by them both. The Moon in Aries brought a personal touch to the inspiration and energy that Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus suggests. Even so, I've heard folks describe a feeling of lacking energy and will keep an eye out for this flux. Will we feel energized or just overloaded? There is a possibility of either - one approach in a time like this is to observe whether the energy you are attuned to is nourishing you or burning you out. If the latter, take a walk, recenter.

There is another aspect, Neptune opposed Mars, that is acting as a drain on energy, resulting in a dreaminess vs. a motivated and focused energy. An approach to this effect is to dream big, to write or somehow capture the incoming information for review later, when you can do something about it.

My focus is on the trine to Mars from Pluto, with Jupiter is inconjunct the fiery planet. There could be eruptions of old or unresolved issues, sort of elaborate reminders of situations we thought we put behind us. These circumstances/energies/feelings could be potentially unpleasant, generally heavy, and could surface dramatically to remind us why we submerged them in the first place.

A trine is generally considered a good aspect - meaning it works, that it combines the energy of the planets easily. Pluto represents energy of transformation, sacrifice even. An easy combination of this energy with Mars, the planet representing vitality, potentially aggression - well, it could be a bit heavy. This combination could bring up issues that you'd rather not take a look at - this aspect would have a personal resonance if you have planets in late Leo/Aquarius or early Capricorn/Cancer.

An inconjunct is an aspect of lack of balance. There is a general sense of discomfort with the planets in relation - in this case Jupiter and Mars. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, of "plenty" for good or for ill. When that energy, generosity, say - isn't comfortable with the energy of Mars, it could result in giving too much or giving in a way that puts people off. Combined with the trine from Pluto to Mars, this could demonstrate a pattern - we can take a look at how we give and whether there's a relationship with that generosity and how we respond to our difficulties.

Sun, 6 Jun 2010 20:13:43 UTC

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Uranus in Aries

The effect of Uranus moving into the 1st degree of the zodiac felt like an electric jolt. The effect will differ for each of us, though the basic concept is one of lightning fast change. When Jupiter joins Uranus in Aries in a few days, we may see more surprising events, feel more of a sense of restlessness in the general environment.

Additionally, Neptune has begun it's apparent backwards motion in Aquarius. Chiron will join Neptune later this week. The impact is a slight turning in - for each of us, depending on the location of Neptune and Aquarius in our charts. The opportunity is for us to allow our dreams to surface and to look for the spiritual meaning in the events surrounding us.

Full Moon in Sagittarius and Uranus goes into Aries

Full, luscious, dreamy, over the rainbow moon tonight. And Uranus, bringer of strange gifts, opener of doors, entered Aries just a few hours ago.

It's an amazing time to embrace liminal dreams. A time to touch in to our liveliest selves.

In a few days, Saturn will return to apparent forward motion. This can suggest a firmer footing for our actions toward our goals. It will shift from the last degrees of Virgo, making its way toward the final opposition with Uranus when Saturn returns to Libra in July.

More soon - I'm heading to the Northwest Astrological Conference tomorrow and I'll make time to post more on the transits in play.

Sun in Gemini

Happy Birthday Gemini! The Sun moved into Gemini 12 hours ago, shifting the energy to a more flexible and curious mode.

A few referrals for more information on the current transits:

Ray Merriman's Market Week

ElsaElsa has more on the Grand Cross

I'll be out for a few days and back with more on next week's Uranus ingress into Aries (think new, innovative, potentially shocking).