Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yearning: About not getting what you want

I've been struggling to write here lately. The current astrological transits are complex: there is darkness and some folks are grieving. My take is, if you are focused on allowing change, especially for any area of your life that is too small for the life you intend to live, the benefits of the current transits (specifically: Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Taurus) will far outweigh the distress of the chaos we are all living in.

But there is more to my take than that. My take is that we are not in an idyllic world. That terrible things happen, that we endure profound change as we live into our lives - that pain can be paralyzing, breath-taking and that emerging into life asks us to carry on despite that truth. That by enjoying the beautiful things in life AND acknowledging the messed up crap, we stay sane and connected. These are the lines of thought that keep me going, that bring compassion into the mix of ego consciousness/narcissism.

Ideally, I want to write about the ingenious ways we can use astrology to assist ourselves in living a fantastic life. I'm paraphrasing an astrologer when I write that most people want to hear how their lives will be great, comfortable and safe. I am no exception. My struggle is that, as much as I want to share insights into solutions for obstacles to personal goals, I also recognize the value of not getting what you want.

Almost every day, I experience people in some state of yearning. Either the job is not a perfect fit, the people we're surrounded by are not resonating or something hurts and we can't get rid of it. On a personal level, I am quite fond of yearning. I love the things I get to see and am amazed by the life I get to live, and yet everyday I want something I don't have. I try, when the sensation of yearning arises, to simultaneously hold the sensation of satisfaction that I recall, alongside the chaos of desire. Somehow, the two sensations together wake me up.

This blog is about connecting with the transits - with the night sky and the legacy of the stars. Within are some of the most profound philosophies I've encountered. I want to share that here.

I'm ready to engage in the struggle.

photo credit: meglet127 via flickr

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